Results: 70 Pounds in 8 Months
Weight Loss: ~70 Pounds since 2013. March 2019 size 16/18. Dec 2019 size 8.
Blood Results: Within Health USA Standard Targets
More about my story and trackers & cooking tools I used.

Chart: Weight & Calories
Chart demonstrates loosing weight without crazy calorie restriction. Nutritionally dense – plant based foods – create satiety. I do not go hungry.

Chart: Calories Consumed
Chart demonstrates adequate protein on a whole food, plant based (WFPB) diet. Carbohydrates sourced from 1-2 pounds of fruit and veggies daily. Healthy heart fat from seeds and nuts (as I have no heart issues).

Chart: Lab Results
Chart demonstrates how eating plant based allowed my numbers to naturally zoom towards normal. The “red” in November 2019 is a normal side effect of water only fasting and returns to normal in a few days. No worries here.

4 Month Check Point
29 pounds gone in 4 months. Key learnings below. More about my story.

8:16 Intermittent Fasting
1). Varying my calories each day (between 700-1400) based on hunger drive doesn’t derail weight loss.
2). Intermittent Fasting keeps me on track. Otherwise I over eat. Period. For me, it’s easier to say “Nope, outside the food window.” I look at the app and see adequate calories and remind myself I’ve had enough.”

Protein, Carb (complex) & Fat Analysis
1). Whole plant food provides adequate protein, fat and carb. If it comes in a box, I don’t eat it.
2). I’m not hungry during the 16 hours of intermittent fasting.
3). Salad is first and the whole plate. I don’t dish other things (e.g. white potato) til I’ve finished the salad then decide if I need more. If I dish it up, I tend to eat it. So I don’t pre-dish.

1). I must do heart pumping exercise to achieve 1-2 pds a week weight loss.
2). Exercise quiets “false” hunger almost completely.
Update: August 2022
Whoa, coming through the lockdown was tough on us all. I’m so glad that your reading this. I’m still plant based based. My labs are “normal”. My RA factor bubbles higher than normal. I’m 18 pounds up and have reintroduced Intermittent Fasting while eating normal calories to satiety inside a eating window to move things back in a better direction. The non-eating window helps the body burn fat while still getting the calories needed.