Encouraging Your Spirit

TRUST ME. I will silence the scratching that seduces you into eating foods that over stimulate and under deliver. My Spirit is not just with you. My Spirit is within you. Wield your will to say ‘no’. Bring into play My power. I will equip you. Don’t get re-tangled. Trust Me one meal at a time.

Bible Wisdom

Then the tempter came to entice him to provide food by doing a miracle. So he said to Jesus, “How can you possibly be the Son of God and go hungry? Just order these stones to be turned into loaves of bread.” Matthew 4:3


God, help me. The temptation that started as a whisper now has the volume of a scream. My past eating patterns have created over stimulation in my brain. Reset. For just this bite, I choose foods that give life. For the next bite, I look to you for wisdom. Set me free. In Jesus Name, Amen

Encouraging Your Journey

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three black handset toys
Didn't take rocket science to sort I'm still insulin resistant (IR) even with all the plants... So I've ventured into One Meal A Day eating in a 4 hour window and fasting the other 20 hours of the day. It's been way easier than anticipated. Autophagy is about having appropriate periods of rest for your body to focus on healing rather than digesting.
In 30 days. How? by eating my normal plant based […]
I love simple foods with textural variety.  Tonight was air […]

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