Encouraging Your Spirit
ROOTED. It doesn’t happen over night … but it does happen. As you grow in understanding and living into My goodness, you’ll find your roots deepen. The heat of drive-up windows, potlucks and meals out will not cause you to struggle. The ability to wait for food, like the tree waits for rain, and feel absolutely unconcerned will grow in You. Where you might struggle, confess that to Me. I am dependable. As you trust Me with food, your trust in Me will grow and blossom in other areas.
Bible Wisdom
“But I will bless anyone who trusts in me. I will do good things for the person who depends on me. They will be like a tree planted near water. It sends out its roots beside a stream. It is not afraid when heat comes. Its leaves are always green. It does not worry when there is no rain. It always bears fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8
God, Your goodness knows no bounds. Your deep waters that run under my life protect me from the heat even when there is no rain. Bring to mind every corner where I am not trusting You. You are dependable. Let me depend more fully on You. In Jesus Name, Amen
Encouraging Your Journey
- Buchinger Wilhelmi: Worlds Largest Fasting Study (10 minutes)
- Week 13 Video Handout