Encouraging Your Spirit

SIN WILL NOT CONQUER.  Close your eyes and imagine hosts of angels with you.  Imagine a protector who battles temptation because you are Mine.  Understand that the battle isn’t being waged – it has been won and is finished.  This is the power I have placed in your hands.  The enemy lies telling you that you can’t do this.  The enemy draws you to a darkened mirror so that you do not see who you truly are.  You are not governed by appetites.  You are not ruled by do’s and don’ts.  Your life is in the reign of My grace.  Power up and claim what I have already done.          

Bible Wisdom

Remember this: sin will not conquer you, for God already has!  You are not governed by law but governed by the reign of the grace of God.  Romans 6:14


God, come Holy Spirit. Have Your way.  Govern my body, my appetite In Jesus Name, Amen

Encouraging Your Journey

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